Monday, May 17, 2010

Eating (and abstaining) with GERD

“You’re so lucky, you can eat anything.” This is what people often say once they get wind of my obsession with food. They think that if someone loves eating out and regularly creates new recipes, she must either be fat or have the metabolism of a 17 year-old boy.

The truth is, I found a way to indulge my obsession without putting on the pounds. I cook several times a week, creating new recipes that stick to my philosophy of eating nutritionally balanced foods with intense flavor. I can’t eat “anything,” but I still enjoy everything I eat.

That was until this February. I had not been feeling well for a while, and I was dabbling with different medications to deal with the constant sore throats and burning sensations. Finally, I went to a specialist. The verdict was in – eating this way may have been delicious and exciting, but it also led to serious ulcers. I have acid reflux disease and all of the nasty stomach and esophageal problems that come with it.

I was given a strict new diet. No citrus, no dairy, no chocolate, no vinegar, no fried foods, no fatty meats, no caffeine, no alcohol, no mint, no spices at all. I can’t eat black pepper, let alone Sriracha.

I left the doctor wondering, what on earth CAN I eat? The girl who could supposedly eat anything now had to carry around a piece of paper listing the few foods she can eat.

After getting over the initial shock, I jumped into this new diet with gusto, creating recipes that fit my new diet. I wanted a better belly – to heal myself, to stay thin, and to satisfy my cravings.

This blog is dedicated to the people who have dietary restrictions, but still love food. People who will not settle for eating turkey sandwiches every day.


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